The most action-packed Poker Room


It’s perfect for the recreational table player and seasoned pros alike. Graton Resort & Casino Poker guests have won more than $18,000,000 in jackpots and prizes. Step into the most exciting poker action in the Greater Bay Area – including special offers and tournament action. The Poker Room boasts 20 tables with a variety of limit, no-limit, and pot-limit games, featuring the most lucrative Bad Beat Jackpots and Daily Bonus Payout programs in the area.

Share the Wealth


Progressive Bad Beat Jackpot

With the Share the Wealth Progressive Bad Beat Jackpot “EVERYONE WINS!” When our jackpot hit in March, all qualified guests playing in the room were winners!





Our fast paced and fun-filled poker tournaments will have your heart pounding when you win big!

Daily Rules & Structures Sheet

Daily Events $135 Entry

Daily Events $135 Entry

15K Chips

20-Minute Levels

Monday & Wednesday 10AM

Tuesday 6:00PM

Green Chip Bounty $200 Entry

Green Chip Bounty $200 Entry

15K Chips

20-Minute Levels

Thursday 6PM

Friday 10AM

Daily Event $250 Entry $5,000 Guaranteed

Daily Event $250 Entry $5,000 Guaranteed

20K Chips

20-Minute Levels

Sunday 10AM

Weekly Mega Stack Satellite

Weekly Mega Stack Satellite

Saturdays 10AM | Excluding March 22 and April 19

$135 Buy-in (1 in 10) Wins Seat to Monthly Mega Stack



Daily Events

Daily Events

10K Chips

15 Minute Rounds

$65 Monday & Wednesday 6PM

$65 Tuesday 10AM

$75 Thursday 10AM

Monthly $1,100 Mega Stack

Monthly $1,100 Mega Stack

Saturday, March 22 & Saturday, April 19

30K Chips

30-Minute Levels